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Business Finder is perfect for Business brokers , If you are Dealing with Businesses or Business owners this is the best marketplace fro you to sell their Businesses and make $$$
Commercial brokers are making thousands of $$$$ in commission just by selling Businesses on Business finder average commission charge is 5% on each business Sold
If you own the typing center you can make up to 50% profit just by posting your clients businesses or trade license for sale on Business finder , please check our Agency plan .
Business setup companies can list the details of available trade license for sale ,and New packages as well for our investors looking to start new Business
Business Finder is well Know all over the world , we have 50,000 registered investors and increasing on daily basis, we are getting thousands of unique visitors on daily basis. Our visitors are serious those who are looking to buy business.
By posting AD you are entitled to get full commission from Business sale we do not charge any additional amount, average commission is 5%
You will get maximum exposure and ad will be valid till 6 months or until marked as sold
Our marketing team is working to provide the best result you will see results better then you expectation.
In order to work with Business FInder , select the country where you would like to focus and buy Business finder package starting from 300$.
Once the account is registeres click t profile and add your company details
Select the package , starting from 300$ for our business partner
List Businesses for sale and start earning $$$
We recommend to list at least 10 businesses to get the best results
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